You can read about our emerging findings in this summary report.
Pullinger, D. (2017) Learning a(Verse) Times Educational Supplement 11 August 2017
Whitley, D and Jaques, Z. (2019) ‘Adieu, adieu, remember me!’: whatever happened to poetry memorisation in schools? English in Education. Online first.
Pullinger, D., & Whitley, D. (2016) ‘Beyond measure: the value of the memorised poem’. Changing English, 23(4). Invited article for special issue on ‘The Uses of Poetry’.
Pullinger, D. (2014) Poetry Recitation: Traditions, terms and conditions. Writing in Education. 63
Whitley, D. (2014) Discovering Sense Through Sound. Writing in Education. 62
Two articles written in connection with our previous study, the Cambridge Poetry Teaching Project.
Pullinger, D. & Whitley, D. (2013). Sounding Sense: the Place, Problems and Potential of Performance in Poetry. Changing English. 20(2), 160–173.
Pullinger, D. (2012). In Living Memory: The Dying Art of Poetry Learning and a Case for Revival, Changing English, 19(4), 383–393.
Further articles and a book are in preparation.